Joe Seager
Singer Songwriter

Crab & Lobster Wedding...

Greg & Annie's Wedding

A Bespoke wedding for a bespoke venue....


After a 4 hour drive up towards Yorkshire I'd certainly had the time to get excited about performing at Annie & Greg's wedding, and playing their chosen first dance Ho Hey by The Lumineers.

The Crab & Lobster is a very unique and bespoke venue offering an intimate atmosphere ideal for weddings with food to match - This venue has won awards for it. Check out:

Anyway upon arriving in good time to set up and check the venue out,  the wedding breakfast had finished and speeches were underway. Annie and Greg had booked my evening package where I performed between playlists with lighting...the night was bouncing until last orders!

The Cake, cup cakes and more...yum!! 


Having finished at midnight in the morning I drove back to Shropshire and and eventually got back around at 3:30am! Tired but happy that the Bride and Groom enjoyed the music.

Final Goodbyes.... 


"Thank you for the brilliant set you performed at one of our employee’s 50 years of service celebration."